
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that cause anxiety in each individual and the application of prayer as asedative therapy to patients/clients, so anxiety is a normal reaction to situations that are very stressful for a person's life,anxiety can also appear alone or combine with other symptoms. others from various emotional disorders. In the current erafor the treatment of anxiety disorders, it is not only using medical tools but also combining religious tools. From the author'sresearch, that by using a quality prayer method, it turns out that in the soul of the patient / client a feeling of the presence of
 Allah SWT. high spirituality, peace, tranquility, positive motivation, optimism, enthusiasm for life, autosuggestion, and self-confidence. All of these are elements that are important for the treatment of anxiety disorders for patients. As for the high-quality prayer therapist, it will have a huge effect on the healing of the patient/client. This type of research uses the library
 study method literature study using data collection directed at searching for data and information through documents, books,and reports related to the theme. So the results of the study note that the anxiety disorder factor is caused by negativeexperiences that cause psychological stress or trauma, heredity, personality disorders, side effects of certain drugs orsubstances, including caffeine and drugs, as well as certain diseases, such as heart rhythm disorders and thyroid disease thataffect anxiety in each individual. Based on the results of the study, it is suggested that prayer can be used as a sedative therapyfor anxiety disorders that are often experienced by patients/clients.

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