
Papyrus is known as a plant that was used for paper making materials in ancient Egypt. In Indonesia itself there is a traditional paper called paper dluang / daluwang which is used as a medium for writing manuscripts. In the past dluwang tree bark was not only used as paper making but also used as material for making clothes, ropes and crafts. To make this dluwang paper requires a long time and extraordinary patience. Unfortunately, the tradition of dluwang paper making in Indonesia has been extinct since 1960. So the people today do not know what dluwang is. The extinction of the dluwang paper-making tradition was eroded by the modern paper production we know today. That is because the manufacturing process is very traditional so it is felt to be less practical and economical. The dluwang paper making material is a type of plant called the glugu tree (Papermulberry ‘Broussonetia papyryfea Vent’), similar to the murbey / mulberry tree and the hibiscus or saeh (sunda) tree - the bark used for papermaking. In terms of quality, this dluwang paper has very good durability due to its very strong fiber. This is evident from several ancient manuscripts that are still durable today. One of the regions in Indonesia which is famous for dluwang paper production is Tegalsari village, Kec. Jetis, Kab. Ponorogo. Unfortunately dluwang tree cultivation has been threatened with extinction along with the extinction of this dluwang papermaking tradition. There are at least three locations in Indonesia that are currently trying to preserve dluwang paper making namely, Tegalsari Ponorogo, Toekang Saeh Studio, Bandung West Java, and Sekar Jagad Studio, Sukoharjo. The purpose of this study is to identify the use of dluwang as a written media and to reconstruct how the dluwang paper production process is in tegalsari, jetis ponorogo. While the research method used is to use literature studies, interviews and surveys.

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