
Diving birds have to overcome buoyancy, especially when diving in shallow water. Darters and anhingas (Anhingidae) are specialist shallow‐water divers, with adaptations for reducing their buoyancy. Compared to closely‐related cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae), darters have fully wettable plumage, smaller air sacs and denser bones. A previous study of darter diving behaviour reported no relationship between dive duration and water depth, contrary to optimal dive models. In this study I provide more extensive observations of African darters Anhinga melanogaster rufa diving in water<5 m deep at two sites. Dive duration increases with water depth at both sites, but the relationship is weak. Dives were longer than dives by cormorants in water of similar depth (max 108 s in water 2.5 m deep), with dives of up to 68 s observed in water<0.5 m deep. Initial dives in a bout were shorter than expected, possibly because their plumage was not fully saturated. Dive efficiency (dive:rest ratio) was 5–6, greater than cormorants (2.7±0.4 for 18 species) and other families of diving birds (average 0.2–4.3). Post‐dive recovery periods increased with dive duration, but only slowly, resulting in a strong increase in efficiency with dive duration. All dives are likely to fall within the theoretical anaerobic dive limit. Foraging bouts were short (17.8±4.3 min) compared to cormorants, with birds spending 80±5% of time underwater. Darters take advantage of their low buoyancy to forage efficiently in shallow water, and their slow, stealthy dives are qualitatively different from those of other diving birds. However, they are forced to limit the duration of foraging bouts by increased thermoregulatory costs associated with wettable plumage.

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