
A key ITER maintenance activity is the exchange of the divertor cassettes. The current major step in this programme involves the full scale physical test facility, namely divertor test platform 2 (DTP2), in Tampere, Finland. The objective of the DTP2 is the design and proof of concept studies of various remote handling (RH) device prototypes and their RH control systems, but is also important to define principles for standardizing control systems and methods around the ITER maintenance equipment.The development process of divertor cassette locking system (CLS) RH Tool prototypes is presented in this paper. The validation of the developed CLS Tool prototypes is accomplished in RH trials at DTP2. For this RH Trial, a CLS task description (TD) and tool prototypes were developed, manufactured and, finally, tested under remote operations. These tools, designed to be operated by water hydraulic manipulator (WHMAN), are water hydraulic jack (WHJ), pin tool (PT) and wrench tool (WT).

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