
We study spatial anisotropy effects on the bulk and finite-size critical behavior of the O(n) symmetric anisotropic phi;{4} lattice model with periodic boundary conditions in a d -dimensional hypercubic geometry above, at, and below Tc. The absence of two-scale factor universality is discussed for the bulk order-parameter correlation function, the bulk scattering intensity, and for several universal bulk amplitude relations. The anisotropy parameters are observable by scattering experiments at Tc. For the confined system, renormalization-group theory within the minimal subtraction scheme at fixed dimension d for 2<d<4 is employed. In contrast to the epsilon=4-d expansion, the fixed- d finite-size approach keeps the exponential form of the order-parameter distribution function unexpanded. For the case of cubic symmetry and for n=1 , our perturbation approach yields excellent agreement with the Monte Carlo (MC) data for the finite-size amplitude of the free energy of the three-dimensional Ising model at Tc by Mon [Phys. Rev. Lett. 54, 2671 (1985)]. The epsilon expansion result is in less good agreement. Below Tc, a minimum of the scaling function of the excess free energy is found. We predict a measurable dependence of this minimum on the anisotropy parameters. The relative anisotropy effect on the free energy is predicted to be significantly larger than that on the Binder cumulant. Our theory agrees quantitatively with the nonmonotonic dependence of the Binder cumulant on the ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) coupling of the two-dimensional Ising model found by MC simulations of Selke and Shchur [J. Phys. A 38, L739 (2005)]. Our theory also predicts a nonmonotonic dependence for small values of the antiferromagnetic NNN coupling and the existence of a Lifshitz point at a larger value of this coupling. The nonuniversal anisotropy effects in the finite-size scaling regime are predicted to satisfy a kind of restricted universality. The tails of the large- L behavior at T++Tc violate both finite-size scaling and universality even for isotropic systems as they depend on the bare four-point coupling of the phi4 theory, on the cutoff procedure, and on subleading long-range interactions.

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