
Airborne carbonyl compounds such as formaldehyde, acrolein, and methyl ethyl ketone have long been chemicals-of-concern in the environment due to their reactivity and their potential for negative health effects. Standard methods for determining carbonyls in air, which focus on a set of 15 or fewer compounds, involve derivatization to form nonvolatile hydrazones, which can readily be analyzed via liquid chromatography (LC) with ultraviolet detectors. Here, we apply a new LC-high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) method to natural gas and a variety of upgraded biofuels to better assess their total carbonyl profile using the inherent selectivity of the standard sampling methodology and the selectivity and sensitivity of HRMS. The standard method accounted for only 64% of the total carbonyl content in natural gas and between 26 and 45% of the total carbonyl content in biogas sources, with the balance detected by the new LC/HRMS method. An additional 540 compounds with molecular formulas consistent with carbonyl compounds were detected compared to only 14 target compounds using the standard method. These results demonstrate that the established method dramatically under-reports both the total carbonyl load and the diversity of carbonyl species in natural gas and biogas samples.

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