
There are interesting times ahead of us. Medical sciences are at the forefront of efforts to solve some of the biggest problems facing our society, including our ageing population, global poverty and health inequalities, and the impacts of climate change and antibiotic resistance. We live in an era in which advances in genetics and our increasing capacity in data and computing are rapidly changing the way we understand and treat disease. Yet political upheaval and its associated uncertainty, a so-called post-truth society, increasing competition for funding, and the potential closing of borders pose a real threat to our progress. If we are going to solve the problems facing us, more than ever we will need to attract and retain the brightest and best minds. Looking at the Abstracts from our Spring Meeting gathered here, the extremely high calibre of the next generation of clinician scientists is clear to see. Medical scientists of the future will need to be dynamic, creative, and forward thinking to deal with the complex challenges they face. More than ever they will need to participate in multidisplinary teams, engage in team science, and will need to develop leadership skills to anticipate change, navigate their career pathway, and influence those around them. To achieve all of this in an increasingly competitive landscape, there will be a temptation to work longer and longer hours to the exclusion of other interests. However, it is my own view, and that of the Academy of Medical Sciences, that this would be a short-sighted approach. Time outside of work has the potential to nourish creativity, build resilience, and give fresh perspective—precisely the skills that result in the best quality research. So this year we are celebrating the importance of finding the right blend of outside interests alongside a career path in medical science in a new project called MedSciLife. The project is being launched at our Spring Meeting and in this special issue of The Lancet. MedSciLife is an attempt to show the richness and diversity of working styles within our community and, perhaps most importantly, demonstrate that there is a life outside medical science. This is not an added extra—it is integral to who we are and the skills we must develop to be successful. The project is also an effort to show that medical scientists are not a homogeneous community, we are people from many different backgrounds living very different lives. Shining a spotlight on the person behind the labcoat or stethoscope, which is one of the key aims of MedSciLife, will help to promote better working practices and should help to inspire the medical scientists of the future. In this spirit, I wanted to share key components of my own MedSciLife. My family is the most prominent feature of my life outside work. I have five children, the youngest is 17 and will be heading off to university next year. My second eldest son has made me a grandfather twice, my grandsons are 2·5 years and 6 months old and live in Manchester. I don't get to see them as often as I would like, but we chat online. At school my best subjects were the arts; I chose science over arts simply because I wanted to study medicine, but humanities and arts remain an essential part of me, and my life is enriched when I am able to indulge in them. I am a closet artist, and love to sketch when I have time. Staying in one place for hours at a time while looking intently at something I want to capture is a form of therapy and is often when I find the solutions to challenges in my work life. Nourishing and enriching my life outside of science has been essential to my career. When my life risks becoming dominated by work I feel quite unhealthy. Stepping out of my scientific world becomes necessary, and for me travel can be a refuge. My wife is Italian and Umbria is a special place for us where we can unwind and take things at a different pace. When travel isn't possible, spending time with my family or appreciating fantastic art helps to restore my perspective and sense of humour—both of which are essential to weather the highs and lows of a career in medical science. I hope that MedSciLife will help those at all stages of their career to embrace the philosophy of celebrating different ways to blend life and work—giving us the chance to be the best we can now, and pave the way for an even better future. Professor Sir Robert Lechler PMedSci is President of the Academy of Medical Sciences and Vice-Principal (Health), King's College London, London, UK.

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