
Accurate retinal layer segmentation on optical coherence tomography (OCT) images is hampered by the challenges of collecting OCT images with diverse pathological characterization and balanced distribution. Current generative models can produce high-realistic images and corresponding labels without quantitative limitations by fitting distributions of real collected data. Nevertheless, the diversity of their generated data is still limited due to the inherent imbalance of training data. To address these issues, we propose an image-label pair generation framework that generates diverse and balanced potential data from imbalanced real samples. Specifically, the framework first generates diverse layer masks, and then generates plausible OCT images corresponding to these layer masks using two customized diffusion probabilistic models respectively. To learn from imbalanced data and facilitate balanced generation, we introduce pathological-related conditions to guide the generation processes. To enhance the diversity of the generated image-label pairs, we propose a potential structure modeling technique that transfers the knowledge of diverse sub-structures from lowly- or non-pathological samples to highly pathological samples. We conducted extensive experiments on two public datasets for retinal layer segmentation. Firstly, our method generates OCT images with higher image quality and diversity compared to other generative methods. Furthermore, based on the extensive training with the generated OCT images, downstream retinal layer segmentation tasks demonstrate improved results. The code is publicly available at: https://github.com/nicetomeetu21/GenPSM.

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