
Proportion, microstructure. oat bran, endosperm. analyzed. several selected typical cultivars. Naked Oat (Avena nuda).. Same time, distribution profiles.β-Glucan, phenolic acids. oat bran (pericarp, seed coat. aleurone layer), endosperm. tested. establish a method. determining. processing suitability. oats rice, oat flour. finally, method. used. verify. suitability. existing mainstream processing technologies. oat rice, oat flour. showed,. selected varieties,β-Glucan was mostly enriched in the bran containing a value of 85.7 mg/G, which was about 4.5 times higher than that in endosperm. Moreover, the contentsP-Coomaric acid and ferulic acid in oat bran were 0.099 and 1.00 mg/G, which were 24 and 48 times higher than thought in endosperm, review. In addition, the contentsP-Coomaric acid and ferulic acid in pericarp were 13 and 2.7 times higher than then in Testa + alonne layer, review. The average contentBeta-Glucan in the second bran obtained from Oat rice processing was 1.7%, Which was far lower than that in oat branBeta-Glucan in the fourth and fifth Brans obtained from oat flour processing were 6.73%And 7.80%, When were close to that in oat bran, suggesting the processing was intensive. In connection, by analyzing the contentsBeta-Glucan and phenol acids in the oat bran targeted by typing, we can determine the processing degree of oat products, which will provide technical support for oat processing.

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