
The distribution in the thalamus of terminal projections from lamina I neurons of the trigeminal, cervical, and lumbosacral dorsal horn was investigated with the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) in the cat. Iontophoretic injections were guided by single- and multi-unit physiological recordings. The injections in particular cases were essentially restricted to lamina I, whereas in others they spread across laminae I–III or laminae I–V. The trigemino- and spinothalamic (TSTT) terminations were identified immunohistochemically. In all cases, regardless of the level of the injections, terminal fibers were consistently distributed in three main locations: the submedial nucleus; the ventral aspect of the basal ventral medial nucleus and ventral posterior nuclei; and, the dorsomedial aspect of the ventral posterior medial nucleus. The terminal fields in the submedial nucleus and the ventral aspect of the ventral posterior group were topographically organized. Terminations along the ventral aspect of the ventral posterior group extended posterolaterally into the caudal part of the posterior nucleus and anteromedially into the ventromedial part of the ventral lateral nucleus. In several cases with trigeminal lamina I injections, a terminal labeling patch was observed within the core of the ventral posterior medial nucleus. In cases with spinal lamina I injections, terminations were also consistently found in the lateral habenula, the parafascicular nucleus, and the nucleus reuniens. Isolated terminal fibers were occasionally seen in the zona incerta, the dorsomedial hypothalamus, and other locations. These anatomical observations extend prior studies of TSTT projections and identify lamina I projection targets that are important for nociceptive, thermoreceptive, and homeostatic processing in the cat. The findings are consistent with evidence from physiological (single-unit and antidromic mapping) and behavioral studies. The novel identification of spinal lamina I input to the lateral habenula could be significant for homeostatic behaviors.

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