A study is made of the distribution of the ratio of radiative-capture and fission cross sections α for 239Pu over the height of the BR-5 reactor. The distribution of neutron capture reactions was measured by determining the 240Pu concentration from the spontaneous fission rate in plutonium specimens subjected to irradiation in the reactor in an integral flux of 10 21−10 22 n/cm 2. The initial material used for irradiation was almost isotopically pure 239Pu (the 240Pu content was approximately 5 × 10 −3 per cent). The values of β obtained increase from 0·1 to 0·8 the further one gets from the centre of the reactor. The data corresponding to equilibrium neutron spectra in the core and in the outer region of the reflector agree with the results of measuring σ γ and σ φ on monoenergetic neutrons.
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