
The high intensity of rain in May 2024 caused flooding in the Sumatra region, especially Padang City and Palembang City. The region of West Sumatra is also known as the ethalae of disasters with frequent earthquakes, floods, and landslides. In Indonesia, many frequency analyses are conducted using the Gumbel distribution without testing data and clear hydrological reasons. It is feared that this method is considered as a routine way, thus causing the risk of unwanted deviations, resulting in many disasters and errors in the planning of water buildings. This research aims to determine and know the type of distribution that is representative for the maximum daily rainfall frequency in West Sumatra and South Sumatra Provinces as a reference for development and disaster mitigation in the region. The research location is in West Sumatra and South Sumatra. The data used for this study were taken from daily maximum rainfall data from rain stations for 35 to 40 years from 24 rain stations in West Sumatra Province, and 16 rain stations for South Sumatra region. This type of research is development research with the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). The development method consists of four different phases: Initial Investigation, Design, Realisation and Development. The data of each station was then organised into two types of data series, namely the annual maximum data series and the annual minimum data series. The results of this data series test are expected to follow one or more types of distributions commonly used in Hydrology and Drainage. The distribution results obtained for the South Sumatra region are Gama-III and LP-III, while for the West Sumatra region the distribution types are Gama-III, LP-III Normal Log and Gembel. The conclusion obtained is that West Sumatra does not have only one type of distribution. For the type of test using the SPSS.22 application, the results obtained are goodness of fit test, parametric test, Chi-Square test, Kolmogorov Smirnov test and Anderson-Darling test and Histrogram (visual) method.

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