
The effective distribution coefficient of phosphorus during growth of Ga1−xAlxAs1−yPy by liquid-phase epitaxy is of particular importance to the growth of heteroepitaxial structures for injection lasers and light-emitting diodes. In these structures small additions of P (y<0.02) can be used for stress compensation and for lowering of laser threshold. In this work, Auger spectroscopy was combined with ion milling for quantitative chemical analysis and depth profiling. Below y=0.02 (with x=0.36) and cooling rate of 0.1 °C/min for growth, kp was found to be 290 at a growth temperature of 790 °C and remained constant down to at least y=0.002. This high value of kp caused depletion of P from the growth solution and gave rise to P concentration profiles in the epitaxial layer which decreased with distance away from the substrate.

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