
Meteor radar is one of the key tools for studying the atmospheric dynamics in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The physical parameters obtained by meteor radar inversion can provide important statistical information for research. The daily and annual variations in meteor azimuth distribution detected by meteor radars contain information about meteor source regions and patterns related to the rotation and revolution of the Earth. Using the meteor parameters from two meteor radars located in Mohe (53.5° N, 122.3° E) and Wuhan (30.6° N, 114.4° E), this study calculates the variation patterns in the meteor azimuth distribution over the two sites over 1 year. Additionally, this study introduces the variable, Max_Azi, to describe the position of the peak of azimuth distribution. The peak value of azimuth distribution is calculated by Gaussian fitting to quantify the variation patterns in azimuth distribution. This study provides complementary information on the azimuth distribution in high and middle latitudes. The results indicated that the azimuth distribution variation for the Mohe meteor radar is consistent with the Earth’s revolution model.

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