
Grizzled leaf monkey (Presbytis comata) or javan surili is an endemic primate species to Java. This species is categorized as Endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. Data on population and distribution is still limited, especially in Central Java. Research on the population distribution of grizzled leaf monkey was carried out at the southern slope of Mount Slamet in Central Java. This research was aiming to explore the distribution and population estimate of grizzled leaf monkeys in the research area. Data were collected by using line transects (9 transects, 2 km length, 50 m wide, 6 repetitions) at 600-1200 m asl). The grizzled leaf monkeys were found in 9 transects. There were 72 individuals, consisted of 19 groups, with a population density of approximately 1.96 individuals/km2 for the estimated population. Habitat types used by the monkeys were secondary forest (53%), primary forest (40%), or crop farm (7%), on elevation range between 900-1000 m asl.

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