
AbstractWhistler‐mode chorus waves play an essential role in the acceleration and loss of energetic electrons in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere, with the more intense waves producing the most dramatic effects. However, it is challenging to predict the amplitude of strong chorus waves due to the imbalanced nature of the data set, that is, there are many more non‐chorus data points than strong chorus waves. Thus, traditional models usually underestimate chorus wave amplitudes significantly during active times. Using an imbalanced regressive (IR) method, we develop a neural network model of lower‐band (LB) chorus waves using 7‐year observations from the EMFISIS instrument onboard Van Allen Probes. The feature selection process suggests that the auroral electrojet index alone captures most of the variations of chorus waves. The large amplitude of strong chorus waves can be predicted for the first time. Furthermore, our model shows that the equatorial LB chorus’s spatiotemporal evolution is similar to the drift path of substorm‐injected electrons. We also show that the chorus waves have a peak amplitude at the equator in the source MLT near midnight, but toward noon, there is a local minimum in amplitude at the equator with two off‐equator amplitude peaks in both hemispheres, likely caused by the bifurcated drift paths of substorm injections on the dayside. The IR‐based chorus model will improve radiation belt prediction by providing chorus wave distributions, especially storm‐time strong chorus. Since data imbalance is ubiquitous and inherent in space physics and other physical systems, imbalanced regressive methods deserve more attention in space physics.

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