The results described relate to an investigation into the nature of Au dispersion in glacial till, undertaken to identify optimum search techniques for use in exploration for Au mineralization. The diversity of Au mineralization, in terms of the host rock lithologies, mineralogy and grain size of the Au, would be expected to give rise to differences in the secondary response in the associated overburden. Common exploration procedures involve the analyses of the heavy-mineral fraction or a particular size fraction of the tills. However, having regard to the expected variable response of Au in associated glacial till, attributed to variations in primary mineralization, effective exploration requires that the methodology employed is capable of locating all types of Au mineralization. Bulk till samples were collected from various sites associated with the Owl Creek deposit near Timmins and the Hemlo deposits. Grain size analyses were carried out on the till samples and on the heavy-mineral concentrates. The concentration of the Au in the various fractions was determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis. Preliminary results allow a number of provisional conclusions to be drawn: 1. (1) Grain size analysis of the −2 mm fraction of tills indicates that the silt and clay fraction constitutes 20–50%, whereas, in contrast, the equivalent heavy-mineral concentrates are dominantly composed of the coarser −500 + 63 μm material. 2. (2) The amount of Au present in the heavy-mineral concentrates of tills represents only a minor proportion of the total Au in the original till samples. In addition, the proportion of the total Au recovered in the heavy-mineral concentrate varies from 4 to 15%. Both factors indicate that caution is necessary in interpreting the significance of heavy-mineral Au data. 3. (3) Examination of the size distribution of Au within the heavy-mineral concentrate indicates that the majority of the Au is contained in the −125 μm fraction. 4. (4) The concentration factor (the original sample weight divided by the heavy-mineral concentrate weight) varies up to 7-fold between samples due presumably to the differing proportions of heavy minerals. Hence, in Au deposits of equivalent economic significance this gives rise to varying Au concentrations in heavy-mineral concentrates according to the quantity of heavy minerals present. Significant interpretation can only be achieved by re-expressing the Au contents of heavy-mineral concentrates in terms of the absolute amount of Au in heavy-mineral concentrates. 5. (5) A comparison of the heavy-mineral concentrates produced by different laboratories indicates marked differences in the weight of the heavy-mineral concentrate, the Au concentration of the heavy-mineral concentrate, the total weight of Au in the heavy-mineral concentrate and the size distribution of the Au in the heavy-mineral concentrate. 6. (6) Analysis of the −63 μm silt and clay size fraction indicates anomalous Au contents within this fraction of the tills collected from Owl Creek and Hemlo, extending over 500 m down-ice from mineralization at Hemlo. 7. (7) Analysis of the −63 μm silt and clay size fraction is suitable for the detection of fine-grained Au deposits that are not amenable to detection on the basis of heavy-mineral concentrate analyses. 8. (8) The analysis of the silt and clay fraction reduces the sample representativity problems associated with analyzing coarser fractions. 9. (9) A comparison of the Au distribution in heavy-mineral concentrates and the −63 μm fraction of till down-ice from the Owl Creek deposit indicates broadly similar dispersion patterns. In conclusion, although the results are based on relatively few samples, their consistency permits some general conclusions to be drawn. The silt and the heavy-mineral concentrate analyses provide different information and in view of the diversity of exploration targets and surface environments exploration reliability can be increased by analyzing both the −63 μm silt and clay fraction and the heavy-mineral concentrate.
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