
The paper describes the distinctive features of the altitude-velocity characteristics of detonation gas turbine engines. The necessity of developing a new type of gas turbine engines is substantiated and the main features of detonation engines are described. The principal constructive scheme of detonation gas turbine engines is presented. Developed the one-dimensional mathematical model of detonation gas turbine engine. This model describes a working process in a gas generator and a traction module. Its verification with a real prototype is performed. A number of studies were carried out using the developed mathematical model. A comparison of the pulsating engine with the classic afterburner was performed. From the obtained results it is concluded that detonation engines are more economical than the engines of traditional schemes. It was also revealed that it is possible to obtain a range of flight speeds depending on a certain height only by adjusting the gas generator according to different control laws. In this regard, the purpose of further work will be the development of a three-dimensional mathematical model of the detonation engine and the creation on its basis of a stand of virtual tests for further research.


  • Nomenclature‫ ܨ‬thrust, [kN]; ‫ ܪ‬flight altitude, [km]; ‫ ܯ‬Mach number; ݊ rotation speed, [%]; ݊௦௣ specific rotation speed, [%]; ‫݌‬௔௜௥ air pressure, [Pa]; ‫݌‬௖∗ compressor delivery stagnation pressure, [Pa]; ‫݌‬௣∗௠ power module inlet stagnation pressure, [Pa]; ܵ‫ ܥܨ‬specific fuel consumption, [kg/(kN*h)]; ܶீ∗ turbine inlet stagnation temperature, [K]; ߨ஼∗ compressor pressure ratio; ߨ௏ impact air pressure ratio; ߪ௜௡ loss coefficient of stagnation pressure in inlet; ߪ௣௔௦ loss coefficient of stagnation pressure in bleed-off passage from compressor to power module

  • In the last decade, the rate of improvement of the gas turbine engines specific parameters significantly decreased [1,2,3]

  • As can be seen from these results, receive depending flight range of speeds at a certain height is only possible at the expense of control gas generator on various control laws

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‫ ܨ‬thrust, [kN]; ‫ ܪ‬flight altitude, [km]; ‫ ܯ‬Mach number; ݊ rotation speed, [%]; ݊௦௣ specific rotation speed, [%]; ‫݌‬௔௜௥ air pressure, [Pa]; ‫݌‬௖∗ compressor delivery stagnation pressure, [Pa]; ‫݌‬௣∗௠ power module inlet stagnation pressure, [Pa]; ܵ‫ ܥܨ‬specific fuel consumption, [kg/(kN*h)]; ܶீ∗ turbine inlet stagnation temperature, [K]; ߨ஼∗ compressor pressure ratio; ߨ௏ impact air pressure ratio; ߪ௜௡ loss coefficient of stagnation pressure in inlet; ߪ௣௔௦ loss coefficient of stagnation pressure in bleed-off passage from compressor to power module

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