
Conservation laws and the associated hydrodynamic modes have important consequences on the growth of higher R\'enyi entropies in isolated quantum systems. It has been shown in various random unitary circuits and Hamiltonian systems that the dynamics of the R\'enyi entropies in the presence of a U(1) symmetry obey ${S}^{(n\ensuremath{\ge}2)}(t)\ensuremath{\propto}{t}^{1/z}$, where $z$ is identified as the dynamical exponent characterizing transport of the conserved charges. Here, however, we demonstrate that this simple identification may not hold in certain quantum systems with kinetic constraints. In particular, we study two types of U(1)-symmetric quantum automaton circuits with XNOR (exclusive NOR) and Fredkin constraints, respectively. We find numerically that while spin transport in both models is subdiffusive, the second R\'enyi entropy grows diffusively in the XNOR model, and superdiffusively in the Fredkin model. For systems with the XNOR constraint, this distinction arises since the spin correlation function can be attributed to an emergent tracer dynamics of tagged particles, whereas the R\'enyi entropies are constrained by collective transport of the particles. Our results suggest that care must be taken when relating transport and entanglement entropy dynamics in generic quantum systems with conservation laws.

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