
The purpose of the work is to share the experience of distance teaching of forensic medicine. Teaching of forensic medicine throughout the history of the department of forensic medicine of the medical faculty of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University Research Medical University took place exclusively on the intramural basis. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has made its adjustments and teaching became remote. This situation required adoption of urgent measures to organize a high-quality and continuous process of student's teaching. The measures included preparation and formation of all necessary material equivalent to full-time classes in the electronic format; compilation and development of instructions and algorithms for students and teachers on the cycle and development of uncredited or missed classes in a remote format; creation of groups in instant messengers with students and a teacher; organization of online classes using conferencing applications; recording a full course of lectures (available in students' personal accounts); creation of the possibility of online testing of the level of initial and acquired knowledge of students in two languages (In Russian and English). The experience of conducting classes in remote mode is generally positive, the measures taken have brought training to a qualitatively new level.

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