
The article substantiates the principles, methods, organizational components of distance learning, the levels of formation of financial literacy of heads of educational institutions and the model of the method of distance learning of financial literacy of heads of educational institutions, recommendations are provided for the development and implementation of effective methods of distance learning to increase the financial literacy of participants in the educational process. The main components of the method of distance learning of financial literacy of the heads of educational institutions are described, including the correspondence of educational materials to the needs of the target audience, the use of various interactive methods, as well as the evaluation of training results. The methodology provides an individual approach to each head of an educational institution, which allows taking into account the level of training and interests of each participant, and provides the opportunity to change the pace of training depending on the needs of the participant. The main principles of the methodology are the use of active and interactive forms of learning, ensuring visibility and accessibility of the material, as well as providing feedback between the teacher and participants. A feature of the author’s methodology is the selection of the content of training and the selection of digital tools that will help managers of educational institutions to successfully apply knowledge in their professional activities. In addition, the methodology provides for the development of practical skills, which allows managers of educational institutions to apply knowledge and skills in real practice.

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