
A remediation strategy using three non-toxic availability enhancers (two cyclodextrins and a rhamnolipid biosurfactant) was applied to various soils artificially contaminated with a mix of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) considered priority pollutants at two levels of contamination: only with 7 low molecular weight PAHs (LMW PAHs, 5 with 3-ring and 2 with 4-ring - fluoranthene and pyrene) or with 14 PAHs (from 3 to 6 rings). Natural attenuation of PAHs in all soils showed degradation capacity for the LMW PAHs, with a final content of LMW PAHs <5% of their initial concentration. Conversely, the rest of PAHs (high molecular weight PAHs, HMW) remained in the soils (61% - 83.5%), indicating abiotic dissipation of HMW PAHs due to formation of non-extractable residues in soils. The influence of the presence of HMW PAHs on the degradation of the 7 LMW PAHs was also tested, showing a general decrease in the time to obtain 50% dissipation (DT50), statistically significant for acenaphthene, acenaphthylene and fluorene. Availability enhancers showed different effects on PAHs dissipation. 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP) decreased DT50 of some of the lighter PAHs, whereas the rhamnolipid (RL) caused a slight DT50 increase due to its initial toxicity on native soil microorganisms, but showing later high degradation rate for LMW PAHs. On the contrary, randomly methylated-β-cyclodextrin (RAMEB) slowed down PAHs degradation due to its high adsorption onto soil surface, blocking the desorption of PAHs from the soils. The high number of experimental factors not studied simultaneously before (soil type, co-contamination, availability enhancers and incubation time) allowed to conduct a statistical analysis which supported the conclusions reached. Principal Component Analysis separated the studied PAHs in 3 groups, in relation with their molecular weight and Kow. The first principal component was related with LMW PAHs, and separate the inefficient RAMEB from the other availability enhancers.

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