
Online transport regulatory policies are critical to the success of this new type of transport. Tariff setting is a problem for online transportation users and drivers who are considered unfair. The zoning of operational areas that need to be underlined is the gap between conventional drivers and online drivers. This study looks at online transportation users’ responses and drivers to tariff and zoning policies for operational areas. The method used in this research is qualitative analysis. This research uses Nvivo 12 Plus software to analyze qualitative data, which presents cross tab analysis and visual analysis. The stages in using Nvivo have five stages including; data collection, data import, data coding, data classification, and data presentation. The data that Nvivo had processed was then continued for qualitative analysis. The data source was obtained from the Twitter data set. This study's findings indicate that the tariff setting has not provided a solution to the gap between users and drivers of online transportation. The zoning of online transportation operations does not yet have a solid legal umbrella to enforce so that it still causes polemics between conventional and online transportation. This research's limitation is that this research only discusses the tariff and red zone for online transportation. Recommendations for further research are grouping online transportation problems in all urban areas in Indonesia.

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