
Abstract With engineering students’ attention spans diminishing and the Internet challenging the knowledge resource of faculty it is time to innovate new methods in the teaching – learning process of the Indian Engineering Education. Most of the spaces designed by Architects now called “Smart Class Rooms” have 24/7 access to the Internet and a projector that can help us access and share knowledge with students just working smartly from our laptops. This paper concentrates on high tech architectural disruptions yet sustainable solutions to be brought into traditional smart classrooms teaching and Innovation Design Lab experiences to make it more vibrant, participative and innovative. Architecture, the creative science of place making will be conceived not to just satisfy the spatial, visual and functional requirements of the students and faculties using the classroom and labs as it does now but will also be conceptualized using Architectural Technology, AR & VR technologies. While we focus on Technology driven methods we also propose to enhance the CDOI model of Curriculum development (Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate) that is currently gaining acceptance globally and seems to be the future of Engineering Education too. The paper also explores the reality of “DeSchooling” the Indian Engineering education in the 21 stCentury.

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