
Abstract : Impact of Multiple Entry & Exit System on Future Engineering Education in India – Theoretical Perspectives Being aware that the Indian education system is undergoing a comprehensive transformation because of the implementation of the third major National Education policy-2020, a third major educational policy. Higher education, in particular, engineering education is not an exception to this. As a major policy envisage, the Multiple Entry & Exit (MEE) system is being implemented in higher education expected to have a significant impact on engineering education in India. The MEE gives emphasis on authorizing 'academic flexibility' to the student in the choice of subjects for the programs that lead to an award of a certificate, diploma & degree, and 'academic pathways' that allow the student to exit and rejoin the program at later stages without losing credits gained for the courses already completed. Thepolicy envisions expected to transform the future higher education system, including engineering education, especially permitting the student to exit the program at the end of the first, second, or subsequent year of the program of the study, and rejoin at later stages either within the same engineering institution or other engineering institutions allowing seamless student mobility between or within the engineering institutions. Through a system of credit recognition by the statutory bodies, credits accumulation through an academic bank of credits (ABC), transfer of credits across the engineering institutions, and redemption of the credits to recommend an award of certificates, diplomas, degrees, 'MEE' system will be a gamechanger in engineering education. The article discusses the policy focus on the 'MEE' and its impact on future engineering education in India. Key Words: H i g her e du ca t i on; E du cat i o n transformations, Multiple Entry & Exit; Education Policy.

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