
This paper presents experimental data on the dynamics of positive streamers formation in a highly inhomogeneous electric field under threshold for the breakdown of the gap conditions as well as at high voltage. The glow of the streamer was registered with a four-channel intensified charge-coupled device camera with simultaneous recording of voltage and current characteristics per pulse. It was shown that the streamer appearance is accompanied by a displacement current pulse induced by a redistribution of the electric field strength in the gap. We call this current the dynamic displacement current (DDC). The DDC value changes during the streamer propagation in the gap. It reaches the maximum values when the streamer starts and when it is close to bridge the gap. The DDC was also registered with a collector placed behind the grid plane electrode which is usually applied for the registration of runaway electrons when a negative streamer is formed. It was shown that the DDC allows to study the features of the streamer formation.

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