
ABSTRACTWe examined how post‐larval blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) dispersal occurs within Pamlico Sound, NC, USA, a predominantly wind‐driven system. We sampled during multiple 24‐h periods over 2 years (2000–01) to relate the spatial distribution of post‐larvae in the water column with circulation patterns. A hydrodynamic model of the region was used to recreate dispersal trajectories and to assess potential transport mechanisms and pathways that link near‐inlet and across‐Sound nursery habitats. Most post‐larval blue crabs were collected in surface waters at night, and were consistently distributed within the north‐western region of Pamlico Sound. Particle‐tracking simulations suggested that dispersal from the inlets to across‐Sound nursery habitats only resulted from the combination of tidal and wind‐driven currents. Our simulation results further indicated that the northernmost inlet (Oregon Inlet) was the primary supplier of post‐larval blue crabs throughout the northern basin of Pamlico Sound, as crabs ingressing through Hatteras Inlet to the south were not retained within our study area. A dispersal pathway connecting Oregon Inlet and across‐Sound settlement habitats was evident from field observations. Collectively, our results indicate how multiple forcing agents, coupled with post‐larval vertical positioning within the water column, drive estuarine dispersal and connect spatially separated nursery habitats.

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