
Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the concept of disorder of law in understanding the law and its work in society as something that flows in achieving an order and describes the disorder of law which causes chaos in the enforcement of environmental law in the case of Rembang community against PT. Cement Indonesia. This is closely related to the attitude of the Governor of Rembang in addressing the verdict of the PK by revoking the environmental permit or keeping it on, given the urge of Rembang people who remain firm in opposing the mining in the area with the main reason about the natural sustainability in Kendeng. Decree of the Governor of Central Java Number 660.1./17 of 2012 on Environmental Permit for Mining and Construction of Cement Plant by PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk reaping resistance from the people of Rembang. The decree is deemed to be contradictory with the socialization of EIA and the determination of groundwater basin area as a water catchment area and the use of geological protected forest area that is considered not fulfill the principle of sustainable development. In this dispute, the Governor of Central Java as the defendant I and the second defendant namely PT Semen Indonesia (SI) Persero Tbk in Rembang. The plaintiff, in this case, is Rembang citizen represented by Joko Prihanto along with Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia. Rembang case that has reached the cassation up to the PK seized the public’s attention and invited the demonstration action from the people of Rembang. It’s because of the post-Supreme Court ruling. 99 PK / TUN / 2016 dated October 5, 2016, did not make the operation of the cement plant stop but the Governor re-issued environmental permit for PT Semen Indonesia.
 Methodology: This study was studied using a socio-legal approach that describes social and legal reality, and seeks to understand and explain the logic of logical connection between both. Type of research used by the author in this research is descriptive research. In this study, the authors focus on the case of cement disputes on karst mining activities in Rembang, Central Java. The analytical method used is using deductive logic used to draw conclusions from general terms into individual cases.
 Results: The dispute over the Rembang cement case stems from the decree of the Governor of Central Java giving the environmental permit to PT Semen Indonesia in 2012.
 Implications/Applications: This reaps the demands of the people of Rembang demanding that the environmental permit along with the factory business permit is revoked and stopped. This dispute is still continuing and continues to be guarded by the people of Rembang to defend their agrarian rights and rights as farmers and also for the sake of nature sanctuary of Kendeng from mining threat.

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