
This article is the result of research conducted between 2015-2016, whose main objective is to improve the learning process of the concept substance in the 5th grade students through the design and implementation of an educational hypermedia. The methodological approach of the research is mixed, was performed with 33 fifth graders. The methodology consists of 3 phases of analysis, the first time a questionnaire and an interview was conducted to identify the previous ideas of students, and difficulties in teaching; the second time the description of the sessions with students from the description to implementation of hypermedia was made; the third time the results obtained during and after the implementation of hypermedia from a matrix or grid made out previously analyzed. As a result positives were evident both in learning and attitudes of students, such as interest and motivation aroused in the student such tools, allowing them to recognize, differentiate and build definitions very close to reality, which facilitated the advancement and appropriation of other concepts, as in turn the importance of appropriation of use and implementation of ICT by teachers in the classroom

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