
It was pointed out that Petter-Rousseaux (1972) was able to obtain two periods of reproduction per year in a small Loris, Microcebus murinus, by photoperiodic manipulations, namely the use of a photoperiodic rhythm of two periods in one year. Secretory activity of LH, prolactin and TSH from the pituitary cells coincided very closely with the phases of sexual activity. The types of pituitary cells were identified by an immunofluorescence technique which uses antibodies against specific pituitary hormones. Weaning during different periods of lactation probably accounts for the variation in the interval between weaning and the reestablishment of the cycle. The influence of weaning on cyclicity is greater in rhesus monkeys than in baboons, and when weaning occurs shortly after the first month of birth, cyclicity is resumed within a month.

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