
In a previous work (Alvarez Laguna et al 2022 Phys. Plasmas 29 083507), we have developed a non-linear moment model for electrons that self-consistently captures non-Maxwellian electron energy distribution function effects. The model does not rely in the local approximation and the transport coefficients are calculated by expanding the distribution function into Hermite polynomials and by taking moments of the Boltzmann equation, including the collision operator for elastic and inelastic collisions with arbitrary cross sections. This model captures the classical Fick’s, Fourier’s, and Ohm’s law as well as Soret, Dufour, and Peltier effects. In addition, novel non-local transport phenomena appear as a result of spatial gradients of the kurtosis of the distribution function. In this paper, we discuss on the transport effects by analyzing two collisional models: constant collision frequency and constant cross section. We estimate the order of magnitude of the transport processes in non-equilibrium electrons by analyzing the Langmuir probe measurements of a low-pressure argon inductively-coupled discharge. The results show that, under these conditions, the transport produced by the spatial gradients in the kurtosis of the distribution function produces a heat-flux contribution that is of the same order of magnitude as the Fourier and Dufour’s effects. These transport effects are beyond the local field or the electron gradient expansions, commonly used in the low-temperature plasma modeling.

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