
After the expansion of college enrollment, China’s university campus area has become larger and larger. The traditional university campus planning in china is influenced by the planning method of the Soviet period, which emphasizes the function zoning. This increases the distance between the student dormitory and the teaching building, the dining hall and so on. And this has brought trouble to the study and life of college students. So scholars must study the planning and organization of large-scale campus. The most important function of the university campus is to provide students with ideal learning and living place. Designers should adopt the idea of "student oriented" to construct the college campus. The university campus planning should be committed to building a suitable walking space to meet the daily activities of students.For large university campus, in order to create a suitable space for walking, designers should gather the students’ daily life, learning function in a walkable space, forming a composite "functional group". In order to meet the requirements of the appropriate walking distance, each functional group should have a proper service radius. Functional groups can form a composite space. Thus, functional group of university campus planning organizational structure can help to solve this problem. It is more suitable for large-scale campus planning.

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