This article summarizes and discusses the collaborative effects of acupuncture and medication in treatment, including four aspects, named "acupuncture synergizing the effects of medication", "medication advancing the effects of acupuncture", "coordination of acupuncture and medication", and "antagonism of acupuncture and medication". Regarding "acupuncture synergizing the effects of medication", the actions of acupuncture are predominant, which affects the absorption and metabolism of drugs in the body, increases drug concentration in blood, enhances the targeting effect of drugs, guides meridian tropism, alleviates the drug dose and adverse reactions, avoids the first pass effect and accelerates the drug bioavailability. As for "medication advancing the effects of acupuncture", the synergistic effect of acupuncture is obtained by medication, besides, the medication itself may supplement the drug property to the needles during acupuncture pretreatment so as to increase the therapeutic effect. In terms of "coordination of acupuncture and medication", and "antagonism of acupuncture and medication", there are the underlying co-effects of acupuncture and medication in the body, and the action targets may be same or different between them, thus, it needs to be further explored.
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