The authors have reported a laboratory study with two main themes: (1) an assessment of various waste products as substitutes for lime in amended biosolids (sewage sludge); and (2) the correspondence between undrained shear strength, su, deduced by shear-vane and triaxial compression (TC) tests. This discussion concerns itself with the second theme in which the authors, having studied strain rate (_ e) effects for a very soft site-specific material (su 1⁄4 3–5 kPa) in TC tests, concluded that suvane > sutriaxial by a factor (F) of 1.8 and 1.6 for biosolids and 20% lime-amended biosolids, respectively. Specifically, these F-values were deduced by the authors from a time to failure (tf) of ∼5 s observed for suvane 1⁄4 6–10 kPa using a Geonor handheld shear-vane apparatus, compared with tf 1⁄4 60 min for 75-mm diameter by 150-mm long specimens sheared at _ e 1⁄4 ∼0.33%=min in TC under a confining pressure (σ3) of 100 kPa. However, the factor F is not exclusively governed by relative differences in _ e between shear-vane and TC tests. The different apparatuses approach the estimation of strength in different ways, with torsional-shear failure occurring around a cylindrical surface in vane shear compared with general ductile bulging in TC. The deduced strength value is material specific and depends, among other factors, on its consistency (water content), degree of saturation (gas voids content), specimen boundary conditions, and applied confinement pressure in addition to scale effects concerning the specimen size in TC to the size and aspect ratio of the cruciform vane. For example, the vane specimens prepared and tested in PVC tubes by the authors would have only experienced lateral confinement (i.e., applied vertical stress was 0 kPa). Hence, the mean confining pressure applied in the authors’ vane tests was ∼0 kPa compared with ∼100 kPa for the sutriaxial data used in deducing the values of F reported in Eqs. (5) and (6) of the original paper. These confinement pressures would correspond to overburden depths in a biosolids monofill of 0 and ∼9.1 m, based on the reported in situ bulk unit weight of 1.1 t=m. Furthermore, aging effects on test specimens that are allowed to stand and cure (undisturbed and at constant composition) over an extended period before strength testing cause a strength gain (thixotropy). In the case of unamended biosolids (i.e., for pH < 11), internal reactions also occur, including chemical changes of the solids and pore fluid; biodegradation of organics, and accumulation of biogas produced by ongoing microbial activity. The slow but steady rate of biogas accumulation over the course of long-duration tests progressively reduces the degree of specimen saturation and also the effective confining pressure, with the latter calculated as the applied confining pressure minus the pore fluid pressure (O’Kelly 2006). This is accentuated under the undrained condition in the reported TC tests, for which the test specimen was fully enclosed by a rubber membrane. Consequently, the pore fluid pressure increases with elapsed time between setting up the specimen in the test apparatus and the moment at which shear failure occurs under TC, thereby reducing the mobilized strength (O’Kelly 2005a). Another consideration is that the shear-vane test might not be performed under a truly undrained condition for test material of slurry or very soft consistency on account of some flow of material occurring outward from between the blades and around the cruciform vane (Landva 1980) rather than the development of a purely cylindrical failure surface enclosing the vane, with suvane calculations based on the latter scenario. Next, some data is presented of remolded undrained shear strength (sur) for freshly prepared unamended biosolids with a degree of saturation of 94.1–97.4%, which was tested in both vane shear and TC. This biosolids material was comprised of ∼70% volatile solids by dry mass, a specific gravity of 1.55 (similar to values reported by the authors), and Atterberg liquid limit (LL) and plastic limit (PL) values of 314% and 53%, respectively. The physiomechanical and chemical properties of this biosolids material have been reported in full elsewhere (O’Kelly 2005a, b, 2006, 2008). The drive motor of the laboratory vane apparatus rotated the vane-head at an angular rotation of 9°=min, thereby transmitting a known torque through a calibrated spring to the 12.7 × 12.7 mm cruciform vane, which was embedded in the test specimen. 38-mm diameter by 76-mm long specimens were sheared undrained in singleand multistage TC tests (British Standards Institution 1990) using _ e 1⁄4 1.6%=min, with standard corrections applied to the mobilized deviator stress for the reinforcing effect of the specimen membrane. Water content (w) has been expressed in terms of liquidity index (IL) [Eq. (1)], with IL values of unity and zero corresponding to the LL and PL conditions, respectively:
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