
Popular culture is all the spoken expressive forms and other arts of expression that are stored in popular memory, and it is the sum of the elements that constitute the dominant culture of the society in any country or a limited geographical area, this culture results from the daily interactions between the elements of society in addition to its needs and desires that constitute the daily life of the sector Most of the society, this culture includes all the social practices that the individual practices every day in his daily life. The study of the forms of popular culture makes us strive to highlight what distinguishes folk arts from primitive arts and cultured arts on the other hand, and these three types are among the most important types known to man since his earliest times, in prehistoric times there were primitive arts, and when civilization began and history began The human being has become to man his popular art, and after many centuries of the emergence of civilization, but in our modern era itself, we find the relics of cultured art, folk art traditions, and evidence of primitive art. Grammar Folk traditions fall between two influential circles.

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