
All the arts are result of human nature & Beauty. one of the ancient primitive arts and the cultured art and on the other hand, the development of folk art takes place. Folk art often consists of religious narratives, religious traditions, religious symbols and apart from fictional mythological events, social festivals and social beliefs are based on the background. Art is incomplete without each other in terms of folk art and classical art. These two forces are complementary to each other. This most of the paintings of our Indian miniature painting style are based on poems and literature. The miniature paintings of Malwa are for spiritual enjoyment, it is a reflection of its civilization and culture, in which the people there are not able to see the spirit of life. important various elements of Malwa miniature painting style of folk art for many subjects (literature) such as Kalpasutra, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Devi Mahatmaya, Bustan of Saadi are based on. that are spiritual and historical respectively. Pictures based on poems are made on enchantment/affairs (Radha Krishna) and Nayika Bhed respectively. In The subjects of the pictures are like- Rasik Priya, Barhamasa, Ragamala, Rasaveli. In which we get the elements of art, human figures, nature Illustrations are visible through colour, line, form, tone, texture, space in architectural marking. Bhakti and yoga in Indian Art along with this, special emphasis was placed on the expression of emotion, due to which the art of Malwa remained intact. Folk art traditions contained in Malwa Miniatures are still prevalent in villages and cities and in many museums. It is safe and people have unwavering faith in these folk traditions.


  • Folk art often consists of religious narratives

  • social beliefs are based on the background

  • most of the paintings of our Indian miniature painting style are based on poems and literature

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Spiritual Happiness in Malwa Miniature Paintings Style

उ ु प्रकृ ित की गोद म संघष मय जीवन तीत कर रहे थे, तब से लेकर अब तक उसने अपने भावों को िचत्रों के मा म से िकया है। भारतीय कला पुरातनता, धािम कता, दाश िनकता, एकीकरण और सम य के साथ-साथ ‘सव जनिहताय एवं सव जन सुखाय के आदश का साकार प है। भारतीय िचत्रकला म भारतीय सं ृ ित की भाँित ही प्राचीन काल से लेकर आज तक एक िवशेष प्रकार की एकता के दश न होते है।. भारतीय लघु िचत्रकला के स भ म हम देखे तो 9वी ं शता ी के प ात् िभि िचत्रों के स्थान छोटे-छोटे लघु िचत्रों (ताड़पत्र, भोजपत्र, पटिचत्र, कपड़ा, कागज) आिद को बनाया जाने लगा था, भारत म कागज का प्रचलन हम 13 वीं शता ी से िमलता है, इसके प ात् अिग्रम शता यों म यह मा म लघु िचत्रण के िलए उपयु मा म बन गया।. भारतीय िचत्रकला की प्राचीन पर रा का प्रितिनिध हम बौ कला म िमलता है। 10वी ं से 15वीं शता ी तक की िचत्रकला की उ त पर रा को जीिवत रखने का श्रेय पाल, जैन, गुजरात, अपभ्रंश, राजस्थानी, पहाड़ी व मालवा शैिलयों म प रलि त होता है। यह भारतीय लघु िचत्रकला िव कला जगत म अपनी अलग पहचान रखते है।

Dr Kanchan Kumari
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