
Systematic ground magnetic (total field) investigation in the Timmasamudram-Mauktikapuram block has led to the discovery of a Kimberlite Pipe (TK6) in the Timmasamudram Cluster, Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh. The Timmasamudram cluster hosts five kimberlite pipes viz., TK1, TK2, TK3, TK4 and TK5. Kimberlite pipe TK1 is signified by prominent bipolar anomaly while TK5 is associated with a low magnetic anomaly. The response over pipe TK2 is in the form of a magnetic gradient while TK3 is associated with strong east-west linear trend. A feeble magnetic anomaly corresponds with the TK4 pipe. The magnetic image map of the block reflects a number of magnetic linear zones that correspond to concealed / exposed dolerite dykes trending in NW-SE, ENE-WSW and NE-SW directions emplaced along fractures / shear zones. The intersections of these magnetic linear trends have been examined by closely spaced magnetic survey, as these zones are promising loci for kimberlite emplacement. The pipe TK6 is identified in one of the intersection of ENE-WSW and NW-SE magnetic linear trends. The pipe TK6 is capped by one metre thick soil cover and pitting over the area indicates boulders of kimberlite in a sole-shaped form over 14 m x 6 m dimension. It needs to be further tested for the occurrence of diamond.

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