
Guided by the principles of helping the children in continuity learning the research aims at discipline management in urban middle secondary schools. This study examined the disciplinary issues and different stakeholders; principals, Counsellors, Students and Parents perceptions. The sample of the study consisted of 15 participants. The study is significant because its findings and conclusions are so relevant to different stakeholders to implement and strategies to keep the students into the education system and also help the children improve their discipline.
 For school principals, counselors, teachers, students and parents, the findings of this research will help to maintain discipline in their respective roles and responsibilities entrusted to them. Policy makers at the ministerial level may use as bases for developing a national school discipline policy and guidelines. For future researchers it may serve as a handy tool or base to study further on discipline management. The project aims to investigate and explore viable strategies to enhance current practices of managing ethical issues concerning students in schools. Qualitative research design has been used to conduct the research. To make the study more authentic and generalization purpose, a total of 15 research participants/ respondents were involved. The findings are fundamentally based on the lived experiences and perceptions of these respondents which correspond with phenomenological strategy of qualitative research. Although respondents had common views as well as difference of opinion on certain issues on discipline management of school, outcomes of the study are triangulated.

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