
Purpose of Article. The reason of creating a director’s intention as the conceptual component of the artistic and creative process developing a stage form that requires the synthesis of special exercises and accents and a complex of methods in ideological and emotional expressiveness. The methodology consists in the application of artistic, functional, analytical, systematic methods of research interpretative concept of the formation of intention as a concrete understanding and awareness of reality, which defines a clear citizenship position, emotional feeling, as well as the plastic-spatial and tonal solution of the performance in a single stylistic and genre key-way. The scientific novelty of the study is on a sequential analysis of the director’s intention to create an intent stage work, as well as the phased structuring of his paradigm as a component of professional activity at this period of time. Conclusions. As a result of the study, we can conclude that first of all, each director sought and today continues to seek to create his own theater in accordance with their horizons and perceptions in order to form personal creative workshop, find unique, original and actual solutions for the stage production in the successful directorial intention. Secondly, the main goal of the artistic and creative process in developing a director’s intention is the reality of individual metaphor which must always remain. It could be creative, new, friendly, any kind, but grandiose and comprehensive. Last, but not least, despite all its versatility, originality, and certainty as an independent art directing in its base there is an interpretation of a literary work of director's vision which gives its' visual life in the stage through the spatio-temporal dimension.

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