
The study determined the necessity of using artificial intelligence in solving the tasks of geodetic monitoring of buildings and structures. According to the results of the research, examples of the world experience of involving artificial intelligence in solving various issues of geodetic monitoring were found. The issues of using modern instrument equipment in conducting geodetic monitoring with the use of artificial intelligence are investigated. Therefore, the application of artificial intelligence in geodetic monitoring of buildings and structures can significantly increase the efficiency and accuracy of data collection and analysis, reduce risks and increase the safety of workers and the public, as well as reduce costs and increase the productivity of processes. There are various examples of the application of artificial intelligence in geodetic monitoring of buildings and structures, such as the use of machine learning to predict landslides, the use of autonomous drones to collect data, and automatic image processing systems to detect defects and damage to buildings. The use of artificial intelligence in geodetic monitoring of buildings and structures has great potential for improving the safety, efficiency and productivity of construction processes. In addition, the development of artificial intelligence and its application in geodesy can help solve complex tasks, such as predicting floods, earthquakes and other dangerous phenomena related to geodesy and construction. The application of artificial intelligence can also increase the accuracy and reliability of surveying and mapping, which can be useful for solving many different problems related to surveying and construction. In this regard, it can be argued that artificial intelligence has already found its application in geodesy and construction, and its capabilities are still being explored and developed. This opens up many opportunities to improve the efficiency and accuracy of construction processes, reduce risks and increase the safety of workers and the public, as well as to create new innovations and achievements in the field of surveying and construction. Keywords: artificial intelligence, geodetic monitoring, geoinformation system, automation, camera works, monitoring principles, building and construction monitoring data, geospatial analysis, construction objects.

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