
The article is devoted to the general theoretical characteristics of the directions and forms of communication between civil society and the judiciary in Ukraine. It is substantiated that stable, continuous communication between civil society and the judiciary is based on the principles of transparency, dialogue, transparency. Based on the generalization of modern experience of civil society and the judiciary, systematization of views of domestic and foreign scholars identified and characterized the main areas of communication: 1) public control over the activities of the judiciary; 2) accountability (reporting, responsibility) of the judiciary; 3) informing society and government; 4) consulting the judiciary with the public.
 It is substantiated that public control over the activities of the judiciary is a kind of social control, one of the forms of exercising the constitutional powers of the people, which consists in direct, free control by civil society entities over the activities of the judiciary, their officials and officials. such forms as: public monitoring, public expertise, public hearings, public inspection, public investigation. The main forms of accountability of the judiciary in accordance with European standards of justice are: 1) the responsibility of judges for their decisions during the appellate review of the case ("accountability of the judiciary"); 2) transparency of judges' activity; 3) "explanatory accountability", ie accountability to other branches of government and society as a whole; 4) "punitive accountability", if a judge is involved in illegal actions, he must bear disciplinary or criminal responsibility.
 The communicative activity of the judicial system is carried out in various forms and directions, the main of which are: 1) direct (personal) communication; 2) communication with the media; 3) educational activities; 4) educational activities; 5) expert consulting activities. An important form of direct communication between the judiciary and civil society is "coverage programs", which are carried out directly by the courts on a regular basis and targeted at a particular social group. bodies in their activities, as well as the quantity and quality of resources needed to implement such initiatives.

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