We report the direct virtual photon invariant yields in the transverse momentum ranges 1<pT<3 GeV/c and 5<pT<10 GeV/c at mid-rapidity derived from the dielectron invariant mass continuum region 0.10<Mee<0.28 GeV/c2 for 0–80% minimum-bias Au+Au collisions at sNN=200 GeV. A clear excess in the invariant yield compared to the nuclear overlap function TAA scaled p+p reference is observed in the pT range 1<pT<3 GeV/c. For pT>6 GeV/c the production follows TAA scaling. Model calculations with contributions from thermal radiation and initial hard parton scattering are consistent within uncertainties with the direct virtual photon invariant yield.
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Photon production provides a unique observable to study the fundamental properties of the hot and dense medium created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions
We report measurements of the dielectron continuum and derive the direct virtual photon invariant yields for 1 < pT < 3 GeV/c and 5 < pT < 10 GeV/c
Right click to open a feedback form in a new tab to let us know how this document benefits you. Follow this and additional works at: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/physastron_facpub Part of the Astrophysics and Astronomy Commons, and the Physics Commons. V.; Brown, D.; Fatemi, Renee H.; and Ramachandran, Suvarna, "Direct Virtual Photon Production in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV" (2017). This article is available at UKnowledge: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/physastron_facpub/504. We report the direct virtual photon invariant yields in the transverse momentum ranges 1 < pT
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