
Web 2.0 or conventional web has developed into Web 3.0, known as semantic web. Semantic web technology requires ontology as the backbone in understanding a concept of knowledge. In the ontology computing process, the Resource Description Framework (RDF) is used as a framework to define web resources in triple form (subject-predicate-object) so that they can form metadata and describe the information contained on the web. The data used in this study is Indonesian movies data obtained from Kaggle in Comma Separated Values (.csv) format with a total of 242 lines of Indonesian movies data. The data processing is carried out by direct mapping using the help of DB2Triples to generate data from MySQL into RDF in turtle format (.ttl) file. The results shown that direct mapping can be used to map data from RDB to RDF semi-automatically. The data is mapped into the RDF according to the schema on the RDB without input from the user, so the results provided cannot be adjusted to the needs or desires of the user. Furthermore, the RDF generated in the turtle file format has formed classes and individuals automatically, but to be able to be used as a semantic web resource, RDF needs to be processed manually to form data properties and object properties, as well as assigning instance values.

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