
Economic relations between Russia and Germany are developing in the context of such global challenges as the aggravation of the international political situation, the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions, the economic recession against the background of the Covid-19 pandemic. The subject of this study is the regional peculiarities of the placement of German capital on the territory of Russia. The object of the study is 55 subjects of the Russian Federation, which are recipients of direct German investments. The authors focus on studying the dynamics, species and geographical structure of accumulated direct German investments in the context of individual subjects and federal districts. The article assesses the level of differentiation of direct German investments within individual federal districts, calculates sub-federal investment positions, identifies trends in investment cooperation between Russian and German enterprises carried out within the framework of special economic zones. It is established that the factors contributing to the placement of German capital in European Russia are the preferential localization of special economic zones in this part of the country, as well as the conclusion of special investment contracts on the basis of already functioning production facilities. According to the results of the study, the authors summarize that the current regional structure of German investments does not contribute to the achievement of such a task provided for by the Spatial Development Strategy of the Russian Federation as the reduction of interregional socio-economic imbalances. The scientific novelty of this study is to develop recommendations for expanding investment cooperation between Russia and Germany in the Far East, special attention is paid to the role of state institutions. The authors substantiate that the implementation of investment projects for the production of wind power units and assemblies, solar panels, as well as the construction of wind and solar power plants in the Far East should be considered as a promising area of cooperation between Russia and Germany.

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