Introduction. There is insufficiency of direct comparative studies of genetically engineered biological drugs (GEBD) for severe bronchial asthma (SA) treatment in scientific databases.Aim. To compare omalizumab and dupilumab effectiveness in patients with allergic and mixed SA in real clinical practice.Materials and methods. The direct comparative study included SA patients with an allergic component from regional registry of Sverdlovsk region. The data of patients with allergic (n = 68) and mixed (n = 27) SA treated with omalizumab (n = 62) and dupilumab (n = 33) were analyzed. Therapy effectiveness was determined for 12 months in general group No. 1, allergic asthma group No. 2 and mixed asthma group No. 3 according to the following indicators: asthma control level (ACT), proportion of patients with uncontrolled asthma, need for systemic glucocorticosteroids (SGCS) and short‐acting beta agonists (SABA), basic therapy volume, asthma exacerbations number, emergency calls and hospitalizations, forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV ), assessment of life quality (AQLQ and SNOT-22). Control evaluation visits were conducted before therapy start, after 4 and 12 months of biologics taking.Results. In general, during the 12 months of targeted therapy in patients receiving omalizumab statistically significant positive dynamics was observed in 12 of the 13 evaluated indicators; in patients receiving dupilumab – in 9 indicators. When analyzing such indicators as, ACT, taking SGCS, exacerbations of SA, FEV , statistically significant positive dynamics was revealed for all 4 indicators in patients receiving omalizumab in group No. 2 and in patients receiving dupilumab in group No. 3.Conclusions. Patients with allergic component of SA respond equally well to therapy with omalizumab and dupilumab. At the same time, a tendency towards the advantage of omalizumab in patients with allergic asthma, and dupilumab in patients with a mixed phenotype of the disease was revealed.
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