
The article is analyzed and systematized Romanian activity of non-governmental agencies, as a tool for promoting national interests in the Black Sea region; and experience Bucharest promotion of regional initiatives at the level of non-governmental organizations during the period of 2006-2018. The attention to the experience of Ukraine in communicating with non-governmental organizations. It is characterized by the example of Romania features and forms of implementation unofficial diplomacy (diplomacy governmental actors) in contemporary international relations and the role of unofficial diplomacy in resolving international conflicts.
 The relevance of the study is determined not only by the intensification of the policy of Romania in the Black Sea region with the promotion of the interests of the EU, the U.S.A and NATO, but it is also determined by the Russian factor in the context of recent events in Ukraine, as well as by the presence for a long time a number of problems in the Ukrainian-Romanian relations and by the need of the complex and generalized approach to solution of these problems. Given the objective interest of Romania to maintain stability on its eastern border and to prevent the emergence of new factors that can have an adversely affect on the achievement by Bucharest of its long-term interests on the Republic of Moldova, the Romanian side is likely to use the restraint – positive rhetoric concerning Ukraine avoiding public critical evaluations of certain political events in our country.
 The conclusions note that Ukraine's policy in relations with Romania should be to maximize the use of existing and, if necessary, create new mechanisms to ensure the national interests of our state, in particular, international instruments / instruments of influence on the policy of Romania that already exist or may arise as a result of Romania's cooperation with third countries and its activities in international organizations. Pay particular attention to the search for common interests and opportunities for Ukraine-Romania cooperation in the framework of the development of Ukraine's relations with the EU, NATO, as well as within the framework of the organizations with which both countries are members. In 2016-2018, the very activity of non-governmental actors (diplomacy of non-governmental actors) and their diplomatic tools in the globalized polycentric modern world should become an important factor in the development of the Romanian-Ukrainian bilateral relations.
 Keywords: foreignpolicy, diplomacy, diplomacy model, national interests, institutionalization, diplomacy of non-governmentalactors, Romania, Ukraine

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