
Length of strobila 50 mm.; width (av.) 0.700 mm. Scolex 0.320 mm. by 0.400 mm.; suckers 0.125-0.140 mm., unarmed. Single row of ten rostellar hooks, each 0.77 mm. in length. Testes 0.150-0.250 mm.; one placed aporal, the other poral, to the ovary and vitellaria. Ovary slightly bilobed, posterior and ventral to compact vitellaria. Vagina simple, not coiled, spined, or dilate; seminal receptacle subovate, medium-dorsal, variable in size. Uterus lobed to saccate, extending to lateral excretory canals. Cirrus pouch 0.250 mm. by 0.065 mm.; cirrus small, unarmed, 0.150 mm. by 0.010 mm., recurved upon itself as a short seminal vesicle within the cirrus pouch. Egg 0.070 mm. (outer measurement); onchosphere 0.025 by 0.022 mm., with embryonic hooks of two types, two being stout, and four, slender. Inner shell of egg with distinct polar thickenings. Host: Rallus elegans. Locality: James City County, Virginia, U. S. A. Type specimen and paratypes: sectioned material and one totomount in author's collection at the Miller School of Biology, the University of Virginia. DISCUSSION

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