
Description: The strobila with scolex has 332 proglottids, none of which are gravid, and is 65 mm long; the other has 288 segments, some of which are partially gravid, and is 71 mm long. Maximum width 3.72 mm. Margins moderately serrate. Body rather thick-no portion of either worm being sufficiently thin for satisfactory study under oil-immersion objective. Scolex (severely flattened under cover-glass pressure) 120 p long to rear margins of suckers and 243 p wide. An unarmed rostellum occurs; it comprises recognizable cortical and medullary regions and is 117 pt long and 63 I wide. Suckers 81 (78-87) x 71 (67-75) Ru. Neck about 394 !x long (measured from rear margins of suckers to first distinct line of segmentation) and 330 R in minimum width. Proglottids clearly demarcated, all many times wider than long; the youngest 28 x 398 !; mature ones trapezoidal, 338 (306-360) ! long, 2.80 (2.70-2.86) mm wide anteriorly, and 2.96 (2.84-3.04) mm wide posteriorly; gravid ones 380 (370-400) R long, 3.23 (3.20-3.42) mm wide anteriorly. and 3.47 (3.35-3.64) mm wide posteriorly. Two pairs of longitudinal excretory canals, situated about one-fourth width of strobila from respective lateral margins-ventral canals very broad, slightly undulant, and vaguely discernible; dorsal ones slender, more serpentine, clearly defined, and situated almost entirely in regions directly dorsal to the ipsilateral ventral canals; no transverse commissures observed. Genital apertures paired, marginal, far anteriad, and not salient. Genital atria somewhat cup-shaped, largest near their medial sides; 71 (64-78) ,u long laterally, 84 (78-90) R. long medially, and 65 (45-75) pt deep in proglottids 179 to 184 from scolex. Protandrous. Reproductive systems completely paired except for a common uterus. General loci of gonads roughly trisect width of segments. Genital ducts dorsal to excretory canals. Lateral portions of vagina and cirrus pouch in extreme anterior portion of segment. Posteroperipheral margin of each proglottid so overlaps anterior margin of the next as to obscure the vagina and cirrus pouch of the latter. Female genital pore ventral to male pore and almost impossible to identify except in segments having the margins turned up so as to show the cirrus pouch and vagina in optical cross section. Unless otherwise stated the measurements listed below for reproductive organs were taken from ten mature proglottids. Ovary, coarsely and irregularly lobed; anteroventral to testes; 111 (90-135) ,u in maximun' diameter. Vitellarium also irregularly and coarsely lobed, immediately behind ovary, and about half as large as that organ in average diameter. Mehlis' gland immediately dorsal to ovary. Common uterus in mature segments very narrow, thin walled, and comprised of a rather straight transverse canal located somewhat anterior to middle of segment and traversing almost its entire width dorsal to excretory vessels and ovaries, and a pair of short stems leading directly posteriad

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