
Air quality in Turkey is controlled by Air Quality Assessment and Management (HKDY) Regulation provided by Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning. EU limits are targeted for the air quality limit values determined in the Regulation. By 01.01.2014, it is planned to reach the EU limits for all pollutants in 2024 by calculating the limit values for that year with the gradually decreasing tolerance shares every year. SO2, PM10, NO2, NOx, CO and O3 concentrations are measured hourly at four air quality stations in Dilovasi. The pollution levels measured between 2014-2019 are compared with the limit values determined for each year together with the tolerance values. According to the Kocaeli OSB measurements, NO2 pollution levels pose risk for human health. Although, the number of days exceeding the hourly limit value allowed in the Regulation is 18 for a year, the hourly NO2 limit (260 μg/m3) was exceeded 73 times in 2018. According to the measurements at the Kocaeli Dilovası, PM10 pollution poses risk for human health. Although it is stated in the Regulation that the daily PM10 limits can be exceeded a maximum of 35 times a year, the number of days exceeding the limits are 91 and 113 in 2017 and 2018 respectively. The other two stations are located in Dilovası IMES OSB land. Because the measurements started at the end of 2015, the evaluation of these stations covers the last three years (2016-2019). According to the İMES OSB 1 measurements, the most dangerous pollutant in terms of human health is PM10. The daily PM10 limits were exceeded 42, 92 and 73 times during 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively (> 35 days). The pollution levels at İMES OSB 2 are not threatening. On the other hand, NOx pollution observed in Kocaeli OSB, Kocaeli Dilovası and İMES OSB 1 stations is dangerous for the ecosystem for all years. The annual average NOx concentrations measured at these stations exceeded every year the annual NOx limit value (30 μg/m3) determined to protect the ecosystem. Although SO2 pollution levels measured in Kocaeli OSB and Kocaeli Dilovası are sometimes observed above the limit values and warning threshold, they are not as hazardous as PM10 and NOx pollution. Since CO and O3 pollution measured at Kocaeli Dilovası, İMES OSB 1 and İMES OSB 2 stations are observed below the limit values, they do not pose any risk for human health and ecosystems in Dilovası.

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