
In Ghana and Africa, dilemma motives and concepts constitute a large number of the folklore. Ideas related to dilemma motives and concepts like the dilemma tales leave listeners and audiences analyzing whilst making informed and critical choices presented among dicey alternatives. Given that these choices are quite difficult and may question the ethical, moral and legal thoughts of the individual; dilemma motives leave the audiences to judge the comparative skills and abilities of characters presented in the dilemma situation. The richness of dilemma concepts cannot be ignored when blended in the lyrics of African beats. An idea of African Rhetoric is indicating the critical thinking skills of the forbearers before the inception of written literature. Oral Ghanaian literature made use of dilemma motives to develop individual analytical skills and in effect arrive at the resolution of conflicting ideas embedded in woven choices.For instance, Ghanaian oral literature use dilemma motives to develop individual analytical skills, and in effect arrive at the resolution of conflicting ideas embedded in dicey choices. These choices are difficult such that it tends to question the ethical, moral and legal thoughts of the individual. Thus, leaving the audience to judge uses comparative skills and abilities of characters presented in the situation. In PaapaYankson’s song, the audience is presented with a dilemma, a husband is given a choice to save either the wife or mother who are both drowning. Using a qualitative approach, ethnographic research methodologies and elements of rhetoric, I thematically analyse the lyrics of the title and uncover how individuals familiar with the song solve this dilemma.

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